Monday, February 19, 2007

this song just says it all..
love this version compared to the other(thank u one tree hill)..
know when u feel so strongly abt something..
but u strongly dont wanna feel the way ur feelin..
thats how im feeling now..
i know i know sounds confusin..
hell im confused..
its like i tell myself to feel a certain way n behave a certain way
but inside eveything is juz frozen..
oh hell..its nice to feel numb sometimes..

Monday, February 12, 2007

if its possible to feel a gazillion different things at a time..

im feelin that way now..

its just too complicated to explain..


Sunday, February 11, 2007

*jeling seh dia*

that was what those iritatin mats i was stuck with said..


luckily ikah was late so i kena alight at bedok..


went for YCP..

was sooo semangat abt goin to the gym... skali..forget shorts...bodoh.. headed to bugis to get my tops..(i love love love bugis streetlah) then headed hm to get ready met ikah at arnd 4plus n went down to town Toys R Us.,wana apply for job.. was like so phew to kno azmil wasnt workin... tho idiot akbar still teased me abt him..
whatever ehh..
met up with shai, masturah n yaz at ben n jerrys

*ikah n yaz talkin bout dunnoe what*

*yazid looks so darn kedi*

*she had to rub it in that she got fudgebrownie*

i was super iritated oredi cos no word from him n kena pick up tickets 1 hour b4 the show..

so when he finalli arrived at 8+

when he said hell reach at 730..

i was havin major mood..

very tempted to get the tickets giv him n go home..

but he was bein very patient n nice so me mellow down a bit
(n i repeat.. A BIT)

signed up for that E2 max thingy at cathay(finally)

then watchd Pans Labyrinth..

n guess wad..i loved it lah..

as unstable as this sounds..i love the fawn..

but i so think perdo shuldv shot the capitan in the head..

as in turn him into a singh n give him a nandek(salah spellin i kno)forehead

went to watch The Illusionist at Lido after that..

was oredi tinkin

"skali they stage the whole death thingy"

n whaddya kno..betol haha..

kinda regretted cos i realli wanted to watch Half Nelson..

but the movies still rocked

*i alwez put the piccies that i look nice in*

after lido we walked back to Cineleisure

decided to hang out at E2 Max..

since he hasnt seen High School Musical..we rented n watchd..

ok he watchd..i kinda tersleep..

*tryn to stay awake but failin*

hung out after that n headed back to tampines for breakfast..

after months of cravin burger king crossainwichs

i finally finally had 1..

but weirdly..i was full even b4 i finishd it.. was a fun 12 hours..

n on the 11th sumore..*winks*

me n seha were talkin n both of us agree..

wev got gd bfs..n ironically both bfs live in woodlands..

n me n seha live on opposite sides of the road...haha..

*oklah..heres 1 he looks nice in*

thanks for stayin awake n patient with me yest..

i was bein a total PTA(Pain in The Ass)

yet u still tahan-ed the moods and the snapping

its weird..

its almost been 2 years yet it doesnt feel so long..

ok this line is very *phuke n barf*


i love you..

dude..(ninja turtle virus)

good luck for ur ippt 2mr..

think grasshopper..mayb cen jump far..

Its over...and now im sad...
gosh...i cant believe it..
on 7th February 2007..
my life in poly..traveling like a goondu to clementi..
runnin after 154,184 or the shuttle bus like an ass..
goin up the godforsaken hill..
is over..
flying away from here...
Yeah Rite!!
finishd the presentation @ like 4am the day itself
ok ok finishd 90% of it..
thank god ashwin did the rest in the car..
presentation started late and everyone took so darn long..
people were either psp-ing..sleepin or camwhoring..
ok ok..the camwhore was just me..

*my pushpop obsession*
it matches my blazer!!!
*darned fringe so iritatinglah*

*the 3 cheap labourers from Eagle Services Asia*

lepas(after) the presentation(mine)

went outside to meet the rest n camwhore sumore..

luckily they were doin the same..

*gareth & me*

notice the guy with the cam bhind us

*charles aka the mongolian,myanmar mat/my scandal & me*

*chloe..aka the girl who switched places with me*

had a breif encounter with soppz also..

nwe..lepas itu

me,elf,charles,jie ling, gareth, daniel n yong liang went for lunch

at pepper lunch..hmm ironicle eh..

arrgh..m gonna miss them lah..

ok will update later..

includin my movie marathon yest...


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

*song of the day*

*richard marx & donna lewis - at the beginning*

yes that song is super ancient but i cnt help but love it.

work at esa too listen to gold 90 songs..

eh at least not 94.2 ok...juz imagine me..

listening to spin or spoon or sum other form of makan(eating) utensil.

its weird not workin..

sure i enjoy the wakin up at odd hours but cmon..

who are we kiding..i already do that..


went to cgh with grandad for his eye check up...

ended up buyin those nutrition bars..

what??theyre nice..esp that yoghurt one..yumm..

went home n tried(keyword tried)

to do my as far as the 1st 2 slides...

wound up reading all 3 archie comics i bought/borrowed

overall miss pemalas stayed home n well lets juz say that

payin an xtra 10 bucks for the set top box is worth it..

plus outside is the only place where the set top box has any problems*evil laugh*..

woke up at 1...

yes 1!!!..n still tossed n turned b4 realli realli gettin up..

what got me up in the end...

my gdad sayin "tadi pagi atok beli chapati"..

of course miss pakistani aka me shot up

bathed in record breakin time(3 minutes)

n ate the chapati n prata(what i was hungri)

then continued to my dear presentation

juz came back from my run..
gonna eat now...haha...

run then effective of me ryt..

ah hell..ill go to the gym 2mr..

after that ill b meetin dear shaikhah who has been off radar for so long

beb..this photo is like super ancient lah.....

u better not disappear last minute ah..
if u do i will run over ur boyfriend with his bike

lacheemi..aka my lesbian girlfriend will b endin her development thingy soon..

i wanna go clubbin again!!

tho minus the drinkin ah...

Monday, February 05, 2007


Cancer, you and Pisces need a protective stone.

Sapphire or Citrine would work fine.

All the signs, all of us, will feel the intensity of the energy coming. Protection is vital for us all.

Cancer's love stones are

*Rose Quartz*

Ruby Crystal and

*Pink Kunzite*

Buy fresh blue berries and eat them once a week, or wear a

*Lapis Lazuli *

close to your throat; either will open your third eye or keep it open.

Kunzite will bring harmony as well as love.

*i love the rose quartz most* but my fav is alwez amethyst.
n me read sumwhere its one of my birthstones also...
alah..all books say different

Sunday, February 04, 2007

*Ngee Ann Poly AT Class of 2004*
had our grad celebrations on!!!!
got loadsa "what happend to u","u look so different" and the typical "nadiah u too skinny" from lecturer was like "nadiah u dont eat ah??"
n i juz said "sir...4th pizza sir"..haha..padahal i tink it was my 5th slice...
had our last test...wic naturalli we erm discussed...haha
n as usuall...i teleft my stupid shoes in skewl...arrgh..
thank god charles took it home for me
*thanks dude*..
sophan was ther..but well stayed clear from him..
sumhow even when they mentioned him i felt nothing..
went for dinner with my family @ habibie at nyt..
supposed to go jb but mother was tired..
n sanur is pretty i suggested habibie..
n ok ok i wanted to eat the butter prawns..

sat..was spent at work..can u bliev it!!!
had to go back at like 730 to get debreifed n then
had to train the temp minah n minachi how to
continue on the cell audit project n the critical part management proj..
naturalli they took forever to understand it..
urgh...wanna bash their heads in..
onli got off at like 4 plus/5 n
then went home n out again to run errands..
after which met up with boyfriend to watch the match..
livpool n everton drew*bloody hell*..
but cahill is hot!!!
opps *Sorry garcia*..

today...went to watch multiple personality disorders..
n it rockedlah!!!
i love hossan..tho no no more silly crush on him.
like the one i had in pri/sec sch...haha
ate at han's after that..
mom had the fish n chips n me had the linguine n grilled shrimp..
n yes..its better than pastamania anytym..
ncxt up..titoutao..
dim sum dollies
n kumar the queen!!
now...back to job huntin...
n i dnt know if u can read tis in camp(ill change the template soon oryt)..
nwe glad we spent like more than half the time not fightin yesterday..
nxt sun is a date oryt..since its the 11th(tho ud btter plan)..

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

i luv my mom..

gav me her isetan vouchers so i got meself pretty shoes

n pretty earings..

n eli n matty..whereever in england u 2 are..

i miss u..n thankewww for the necklace..

the girls+emrick n ariel treated me to lunch today..

ordered pizza hut n kfc..

ate so much didnt go gym..arrgh...

will update betol betol later...

reports due on friday..yuck

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

i cutteded my hair!!!
erm well kindalah..
it looks no different actualli..haha

been tellin myself...after work go gym..
so far..7 days strait..i
didnt go!!!

sunday best..(bein sarcastic here)..
met boyfriend..n no..this time no fightin...
well 90% of the time..
felt nice to juz hang out n talk abt stuff..
realised that its been what 2 years since we 1st met..
its funnylah..but im happy so sue me :-P

after that kena tolerate khalids fam...eww..
n now im super angry at my phone..
its gone bonkers i tell ya..
all my contacts n messages gone..
only the saved msgs got..n old msgs i deleted are sumhow there..
aka the azmil smses n the ones khalid sent when he kena sueed..
this is when the 100 bucks starhub voucher comes in handy..
tho i want the same darn phone..
only in green!!!

so didnt get my lunchtime nap..
although i did get to eat at house of sundanese food...
oklah..not very whoa(rice table still nicer)
act wanted to go fish n co...
but mr azman is very particular bout the whole halal thingy...
so no calamari for me *sob sob*..
mr goh did say that he was gna recommend me for the caas qa tso job!!
hell yeah!!!

im gna miss esa..
tho im gna enjoy wakin up later than 8 least till i get me a job..

Friday, January 26, 2007

days like today make me glad attachment is gna b over..
stupid males workin there..
sum guy was like "assalamualaikum sayang" n hez like what 50??!..
n it IS rude not to jawab so i went
"walaikumsalam PAKCIK"...translation "uncle"..
the dude was lookin @ me like WDF??!!..
the indon n philipino workers are soo much better..
cant stand the mats there..
but thank god for my laser mouth
i miss the bugger aka my boyfriendlah..
at least confinement he gets his phone n can use his phone..
i tink im gna lie n not go for busu wee's engagement..
dnt wanna see khalids pervy face..
mayb ill bring matt n pretend hez my bf.
gosh atoks brother is such an ass..
complain that mak long was atoks spy durin haj.
tell atok if that wife of his never pray..
hello.. if u go for haj then never pray..y go in the 1st bloody place..
no wonderlah his coat got stolen..
n he himself told mama to curb my pepsi habit..
then go haji n wana bring home cans of pepsi home..
what msia dont sell pepsi isit..golojoh..
hate people goin haj just to have the name "haji"..
then atok shuld put his name as haji*(number of times he been to haj)..
oklah..i wanna watch A New Hope n eat my pizza
tho i tink its weird that when a guy takes my order
he doesnt charge xtra for addin onions..
n wen the girl does she charges..
ironicle isnt it..
then again wic goon asks to add onions to thier pizza..hahaha
speakin of star wars..
i tink its WHACKED that at the end of ep 6 hayden christensen appears
instead of the older vader..
like that why not use ewan mcgregor
over the older obi wan!!!
george lucas is too rich his bcome senile!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

i wanna eat at ikea!!
ok where did that come from..
the poached salmon darn nicelah.
n iv nver been a salmon person..
n their daim cake..
i mean daim is like heaven in a small red wrapper..
daim cake...yowza!!!
but i i wanna go so goin to the alexandra one..

heard the tamp 1 is worse than tamp mall whenever they have sum cartoon performance..
watchin that anthony bourdain thingy n the sweedes realli have the coolest food..
theres this thigy where they put mashed potato on a tortilla a sausage n shrimp salad n the sauce..
they then wrap it up n it looks like an ice cream cone..
actualli i love the whole gettin food from sum stall n walkin n eatin..
like those bazaar thingys..
but im so darn jelak of wade n ramlee burger...n u thought id never say that..
but theres only so much wade n burger one can consume b4 gettin sick of it..

7 more days of attachment left..*sob*sob*

watchin monster n law...
my gosh..isist juz me or are mothers of guys more syco than girls..
i mean remember sophan..that one ultimate syco mother(sshhh dont tell him i sd that)..
nasib taufiqs mom is pretty kewl..
n how ironicle isit that his bro is best frenz with shana n her husband..
tho its sad me n shalin arent realli talkin..
then again..i got sick of bein part of her entourage..
havin to do things she wants to do..having to subject myself to her criticism..
n her all mighty attitude..
padahal she looks like a darn drag queen..
what..she herself admits it.. so nak tido..cnt bliev its onli tues nyt..2 n a half more days of work..
got my cheque today...279 onli..cos 3 days mc..
damn lah..
cnt wait for this attachment to be over..
mom was makin noise abt me wantin to work at changi airport passenger service..
but i was like
at least while waitin for answer from CAAS n SIAEC i have a job that pays well..
n im still contemplating the Army..tho i tink my slipdisc myt affect it..

goin to the gym 2mr..this time wanna push myself..
at least 45 mins cardio n 35 mins resistance..
n dis time i so sleepin in the steam room..tho i hop i dnt turn into a shriveled prune..
but after that eat where...kfc..haha..xercise like mad woman but after that eat oily food..
bagus eh nadd...

he told me he myt get nyt off on valentines day..
so mayb juz myt see him then..
but sumhow not lookin 4ward to it..
id much prefer the 11th ;-)
haha..our unofficial official date..
he can be so sweet sumtymz..

i love disney channel n boomerang..
tho i find it disturbing that i find myself havin small crushes on the guys on tv..
like nightwing, batman beyond, that dean guy from totally weird.. Nutz!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

sumtymz im so goondu i amaze myelf..
was waitin for his call n of all times..i was in the kitchen when he did..
n i only checkd my phone like ten mins later..
too late tho..
argh..craplah the handphone ban..
sweetie..if u do happen to read this(since ur room got comp)..
sorry i didnt see the call..mayb we'll talk 2mr.. 44kg now..argh..i wanna go back to my 42.6kg..
culd b muscle weit tho...
oh who m i kidding..2 days straight of pizza n cinammon sticks..
hmm...then again period coming...explains the food mania.. so pissed..
both at myself n ocs.. i wanna lie down n eat my ice kacang kosong..

Sunday, January 21, 2007

my badan sakit!!!
spent like an hour at the darn gym..
ok 2 hours+..
1 hour on the cardio n weight resistance thingys.
tho sum i couldnt even lift..
the towel boy was lookin @ me n probabli tryn not to laugh..
then sat in the steam room n sauna for like half an hour..
if the sauna wasnt super panas i wouldv fallen asleep..
harry lagi bagus..ask me
"nak workout eh"..haha
i was like "nah..wanna play with the weight machine"..
he looks bettter without the blonde hair..

met boyfriend after that n ate at white sands..
he was cravin sushi so had sakae..n after that he got ben n jerrys..
but sumhow peanut buttercup tastes weird..
think im so used to eatin it with fudge brownie..
came over n helped mom write the darn script..
n watchd return of the jedi..

aside frm the typical small arguments n mood swings(me of coz)..
today went well..
hez bookin in 2mr mornin..
but kena confinement nxt week..
bloody hell lah..screw those ocs asses..
n here we both tot cen go chocolate buffet nxt week..

nxt time i see him ill b jobless..well aside frm toys r us..
sumhow..i tink im gna miss school..
but me joinin NTU..erm..nah..
sumhow livin @ the campus is kinda scarie..
n me in university??haha..pleaselah..
im so not uni rather work in a workshop n get promoted.
lets face gd at practica stuff..bookswise..
no way..

ok.enuf u vs arsenal..
Go Arsenal/Man U!!!..

dnt know who to support syndrome... malas to layan sum guys..its like
"so my boyfriend is in ns n i rareli see him..doesnt mean ill go out with any dude who asks me not those girls who needs a replacement guy juz cos myn is in ns.."but then is pretty fun to sarcastically insult em..esp if they dnt get it..oh how stupid sum guys can be..

yawn..supposed to sleep..but cant..2mr workin sumorr..urgh..

Saturday, January 20, 2007

i was waitin 4 chelsea to fite back..
well they did..dirtyly..stupid drogba..
how culd he cause alonso to bleed..
oh who cares...pool won!!!wheeee
I miss Luis Garcia!!!

oh my god...2-0!!
i love u liverpool!!

i miss simple plan...
gosh..think them n the click five are the two bands im nutzo bout..
if they come for concert soo there..
n this linin up super earli..
sebastien is so kewt..swoon...
ok random..
im bloody iritated..think my mom got the
"become a bitch whenever people are at my house" penyakit..
atok come back only her perangai start...
mcm permaisuri dipertuan agong..ok where did that come from..
now she expects taufiq to come over to help her write script..puhlees..
she even asked me to ask the ycp ppl..
malas not gonna susahkan my frenz for her..

countin the hours till i see the bugger..prob end up hangin at my house..
n watchn the match..
n ill end up cryn cos liverpool lost..
how to baby is injured..

sob sob..
on xabi alonso..part time lover..muahahahaha...
hey at least i dnt go arnd callin others boyfriens mine..
n every guy im remotely close to be all flirty with em...eeerh..
cannot handle..
no wonder i couldnt realli find any common ground with her..
juz imagine if we hang out..
think harry is ryt..iv been hangin with too many non mats n non minahs..
very hard for me to get along with minah types..

dammitlah..4 days mc n my body is still dying on me..
how kerapie ryt..arrgh..i feel like togoking all my ubat siah..

Thursday, January 18, 2007

i juz got meself a job offeur...
at the what..alah..those passenger service ppl..
or as adam calls it..
sit down eat get fat job..
puhlees eh...i tink my attachment is sit down eat n get fat job..
besides..i get to work at airport..wheeee..
of coz ill apply for siaec n caas too lah..
i still wanna be near my engines..n do manly stuff..haha..
yes i am weird..mother juz stated that fact to khalid parents in the morn..
dear me woke up pukin n pukin..prob cos i fell yest..kerplopp down half a flight of stairs.. meds n workk sumore
nwe..went to the doccie in all..i got 4 days mc for this week..
of cos im goin 2mr lah...
tho 2mr is go back skewl.
heck that..saturdays coming!!!!
yay!!!get to meet whatshisface..haha
yes im finali lookin forward to meeting my...ahem MY armyboy..
i swear his campmates are so gendeng..
cos of sum idiot..they kena hp ban..begedil...
oh nvm..will see him either sat or sunday...
if not..nxt week sudah...

oh oh gdad came back me loadsa nougat..
tho i got pissed with uncle iti's iritatin mom juz now..
we were eatin n she was all
"dia(as in me) ada buang buang lagi"..
n she n mom were openly talkin bout my bulimia ryt ther..
hello..i can hear ok..
n hell even if i was least my ass is smaller that ur overcelakked
overmade up..
will probably dress up n wear bling when ur in hospital granddaughter n daughter..
n how ironicle isit that i call uncle iti well uncle..
his wife kak iffa...haha..the things that happen when ppl i kno marry each other..

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

watched Forbidden Chestnuts:Memoirs Of A Brokeback Geisha on sunday...
darn funny sia..of coz i had to refrain from laughin at sum stuff...
cos mother was rite next to me..
but was hilarious..forgot how much i love hossan..
that rodney olivero guy is pretty cute actualli
had fish n chips at han's along with their truffle cake..
not bad actualli..well better than too much water in the pasta pastamanialah..
b4 the show i encountered this bitch n a half..
aparantly shez so ignorant she didnt kno they changed the ratin from
m16 to her daughter couldnt go in...
thepoor usher was like "u can get a refund"..
yet she was attackin the poor guy..n lagi best she was like " i demand a refund"..
of coz miss cannot shut up me was like.."he said that u could hours ago.."..
haha..the look she gave me was like "how dare u"..
like as if i giv a damn..seriousli pity the usher..thats 1 crappy thingy bout the service industry..
have to serve asses who think the whole world revolves arnd them..
heck lookin 4ward to hossan leongs multiple personality disorder n titoutiao..
think thats how its spelt..

aaanyway..been on mc yest n today..think i wanna xtend my mc cos i still feel like crap..
but nah..think shuld go back to work..kinda miss things there..
god..3 more weeks..exciting..kinda..scary very...saddening..totalli..
hate having fever..achin body..aching head..aching everything..

was thinkin abt it i realised that durin my post sophan time..
i was like sengaje dating other guys n bein intrested in other guys..
jus to try n make him jealous..mak darn pathetic..
i tink theres a point in time when i was like..
hello..he doesnt wanna be with u..get it throu ur bloodyy head..
being all depressed n tellin the whole world(hopin he sees it)isnt gonna help..
acting like u moved on but contradictin it isnt gonna help..
the best is to get inthrou ur head that the guy u want is so over u..
n that nothing u do is gonna bring him back..
so glad i stopped doin all that shit..
i mean yeah..its blunt n mean..but its the truth..

Sunday, January 14, 2007

*if only things were good for more than 5 minutes*

Happy Birthday Orlando Bloom!!!

well..its like the 13th yeah..


tired!!!wrote a long long post abt my week but still kena vet it...

but today was like a roller coaster ride.

went for the ntu thingy with charles n gang..

i realli realli wanna go there..but well part timelah..

went to eat at suntec..wll they ate..i was 2 busy arguing with taufiq..

n in the end..we met in tamp..ate at pastamania..

tho i tink mayb the constant rain is causin the cooks to put in more water into their sauces..

the pizza n the choco mouse was the onli non let down..

went home cos he needed eno n ended up goin mustafa,,

theres another story bhind dat..but wnt get into it..

im juz pissed..

if u want things to be better u gota make the effort n prove that ur all in...

do unexpected things..not wait for a big neon sign or a user guide..

or mayb its a big neon sign..but for sum1 else..

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

piccies 1st!!

last pic of the night

rehearsal time

the "how come i dont have punch"photo

the performance

the finale

*fav piccie*
grandad juz called..hell b comin back on the 18th..yay!!
tho amazinli mom hasnt been a pain since hez been gone..
mayb shez like dat cos hez arnd eh..entahlah..

sat was fun..had rehearsal in the moring..
mas, iggy n sue came over afterwards to get ready..
i did the transformation in sue's car afterwards..haha
we all got lost lookin for the darn sia place..
went to changi!!!
eventualli found the venue..phew..
da bdae party was super fun..
mostly cos i spent the nyt with the ycp ppl performin..
n away from him..n by him i mean my bf..
i mean yalah..i missed him n stuff..but i juz felt weird..
i spent the whole day lookin forward to seein him but when i finali did
i couldnt wait to go perform..
alah pmslah..
in the end i felt happy to juz hear his voice
n to have him squeeze my hand n kiss my forehead for no reason
kinda had to lie to him abt adam fetchin me
cos he asked his parents to send me, sara n ella home
bt me n sara both agreed that unless he came along..
we didnt wana susahkan his parents..
hope shai liked our performance..
cos we sure had fun rehearsin for it..
i know i prob developed stomach muscles from laughin like crazy..
esp the mother dying scene..

sunday like 7am went to mustafa's with mom,mamat n yati..
spent like 300+..
hey better than the last time they went..900+..
ate at the abm or abn...
i had the kids tissue meal n a paper thosai..
kept makin jokes about me eatin tissue paper..
will upload my tissue prata+ paper thosai= tissue paper piccies later ok..
n i still remember all those times i went umrah n wanted that all i 1 makeup thingy
u know is in this container which can be opened up n has a few layers
with eyeshadow, blusher n even lipcolour..
well mom got it for me..finalli!!!..
tho since i dun even use eyeshadow n lipcolour
(since i usualli stick to the lipstick im usin ill it finishes)
dun realli see the point..but heck that..i got the makeup thingy!!!so kewlness..

liverpool kalah n so did aston v...tho i am shocked baros scored..
heard speculation dat if that arabs buy pool they wanna buy beckham..
so now with all of u people as my witness..i hereby swear..
that if those arab dudes buy
david pussywhipped by his not even half as hot as kewell's wife wife beckham..
i will become a manchester UNITED(not city) fan..
buy their jersey with Christiano Ronaldo's name n number at the back..
im serious..
too bad i hate chelsea too much...mayb if mourinho, drogba and cole leaves...
mayb ill start supportin chelsea instead..
nah man u(although mothers ex husband loves em) better..
2nyt Liverpool faces Arsenal for the Carling Cup..
yes i think Liverpool will lose..
heck..i still love em Garcia especially..

speakin of love.
they show the funnest cartoons...
from top cat to jetsons to flintstones, classic tom n jerry,
swat cats(who remind me of shai n zul), fantastic max...n so many more
my time in heaven each E!, boomerang..espn duh n star sports..

attachment is almost coming to an end..but i sumhow wna go back to toys r us..
how syco does that sound..
esp since today mr lee said the hr asses dont wanna take anymore temps..
mr lee,mr tan n mr azman all said they'll pay me themselves if i work there.. funnila they all..
thats y i love workin there..
gonna totalli miss being therelah..
n as much as i miss toys r us..
workin at forum..not realli lookin forward to it..
well mostly not lookin forward to workin with azmil again..
tonight is supposed to be inventory..
wanted to help out at forum
n erwan even asked me to go vivo to tolong but i cnt..
since 2mr workin..

n now im sleepy...
wanted to talk abt sum heart heart stuff..
but malas...

Friday, January 05, 2007

2006 Part 1

January was my sophan rebound month..
started off the year cuttin taufiq outa my life
concentrated on skewl..well kinda..
told sean to bugger off n kinda sorta dated charles..
haha now that was amusin..
started hangin out with lacheemi again and rekindling my friendship with ikah
well thanks to taufiq amazinli..

super duper fun..
got over the sophan insanity
went for dinesh's ord..
met super cute ord guy...didnt work out..
went to zouk with lach,din and nur..
they tried to set me n nur up..didnt work..
broke my nokia 7260 cos i tripped n fell
guy workin @ phuture tried to do a syco on me..
thank god i got out..
got to know nizam n harry aka hot white shirt guy from zouk..
started job huntin..

continuation of juz hangin out with dinesh n lach..
applied for Toys R Us..
went to MOS which was 1 of the funnest times of my life..
got Toys R Us job..
got my beloved Nokia 3250 like the day it came out
Taufiq came back into my life breifly..
went clubbin(wic turned into drinkin session) with harry n nizam..
ended up high n Taufiq took care of me and acompanied me to tamp..

started Toys R Us..
fought with Taufiq..
broke the swatch he got me with a batu lesung and hammer..
met Azmil..
won tickets to watch the click five at zouk
met the click five at zouk.(i love Joey!!!)

the whole Azmil thing started..
totally fell head over heels for him..
Taufiq came back..
didnt give a damn..
but he kept on tryn n well
guess both me n Azmil knew how it would end..
started redatin fiq..
went on hiatus from workin at TRU...

uneventful...started becomin gd frenz with Charles..
Taufiq n me were datin but i still
didnt trust him one bit...
hung out with Azmil the night World Cup started
all the way till the next mornin..
super happy italy won the world cup
turned 20..but was depressing as gmom died like 2 days after my bae..
so didnt feel like celebratin..

This is my malas way of talkin abt how my year went..would elaborate but alah...
juz statin the things that i remember..will write on part 2 for now..
i need bloody sleep

Sunday, December 31, 2006

this end of the year sucks to the max..

gdads off in mecca so im stuck at home

with a mom who is so self centered

and seems to think that shez the only one with responsibilities n probs

and a maid who is so bimbo


i would elaborate but malas..

i mean ok..i spent the morning

at work then rushed home to come home to one big mess..

kena fix cupboards..carry this carry that..

like thai construction worker aja..

then yet mother says i dunno how to do work arnd the house

hello..then when the maid is gone who cleans the house..

she carry the vacuum head thingy oredi dah back pain...

banyak cantik her face say i never help out arnd the house..

n can still tell me to hurry up n move out..

but when i wanna move to stay at adams she dont let..

urgh cen dielah...


auntie thinks i should visit motherz ex husband

aka khalid..

no im not callin him my dad..

sure mak long says no matter what hez still my father..

like i say...he just contributed the sperm..

auntie sez he misses me..


some things u just know...n i know for a fact that he does not miss me..

he didnt even want me in the first place..

whatevrlah..i know im not goin there or even grandmoms place..

who knows what spell she put on me..



hvnt seen him since he entered ocs..

enough said

Saturday, December 30, 2006

wheeze feein terrible..

been sick since like the msia trip..

was falling sick then..

n now im super gone..

cant sleep

throat hurts, eat n i end up phukin

body achin like mad

and i look like a walkin hospital bedsheet..

aka pale lah..

i hate gettin sick!!!!

seelah...go act hero sumore..

walk in the rain..

see what happens now..


plus gonna be super broker every month..

joined boxing and body combat classes..

cnt wait to recover n start goin...

plus i even have access to gym equiptment n a freakin sauna..

n after payin i dont have any money to eat..

so it makes my mission so much easier